Appeal hearing
Appeal Hearings - Transcript
This video will discuss what you can expect when you request an Appeal hearing at the Veterans Review and Appeal Board.
The Appeal hearing is the Board's second and final level of redress.
It is another opportunity for your representative to submit new information and make arguments in support of your case.
You have the right to an Appeal hearing if you are dissatisfied with a Review decision of the Board.
Contacting your representative is the first step to take. Just as you did at Review, you have access to free legal representation to help you prepare your case.
Your representative will advise you on what additional information and evidence you need to obtain.
Usually, the Review decision is the starting point, as it clearly states why the Board was unable to rule favourably and what evidence may be required for you to receive a favourable decision.
Once your case is ready, your representative will ask the Board to schedule your hearing.
Appeal hearings are held primarily in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
Unlike at your Review hearing, the legislation does not allow for oral testimony at Appeal. For this reason, applicants rarely attend their Appeal hearings.
Your hearing will be conducted by three Board Members who did not hear your case at Review.
The Appeal hearing may be conducted by either written submission or oral arguments. In the latter case, Board Members will ask your representative to present your case at the hearing.
Your representative will make arguments on your behalf and highlight the evidence supporting your case.
Board Members will ask questions to better understand the evidence and arguments, and to help them make a fair and informed decision.
Once your representative has made their final arguments, and Board Members have asked their questions,the hearing will come to a close. Most hearings last about 30 minutes.
After the hearing is over, Board Members will deliberate, then rule on your case and write a decision that explains the reasons for the ruling.
Appeal decisions are final and binding.
The majority of decisions are mailed within 6 weeks or less.
We hope this video has been helpful.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the Board or its hearings, please visit our website or give us a call.