Annual Report 2023-24

Annual Report

ISSN: 2368-0288

Chairperson's message

Chairperson Chris McNeil

I am pleased to present the 2023-24 Annual Report of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board (the Board, VRAB). This document showcases our commitment to serving Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces, and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) members.

In October 2023, the Board published its 2023-2028 Strategic Plan which identified four key priority areas that will help guide our service to Veterans and their families, in the coming years:

  • Access to Justice
  • Productivity
  • Innovation
  • People

In 2023-24, we received 6,727 applications, an increase of 10% compared to the 6,141 applications received in 2022-23. To manage the growing workload and meet the needs of Veterans we hired additional staff as a result of funding received in 2023.

We also continued efforts to adjust the way we work to improve productivity, enhance the quality and consistency in decision-making, and streamline our processes to better meet the evolving needs of Veterans and their families.

In partnership with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and the Bureau of Pensions Advocates (BPA), there have been a number of initiatives implemented to improve efficiency by sorting and adjudicating claims through various streams. One example is the new Early Resolution Process that we launched in 2023-24, which helps to resolve simple/single issue claims in an informal and streamlined process. The claims that are best suited for this process typically require minimal evidence from the BPA advocate to support the claim and meet a defined criteria.

These initiatives contributed to a 72% increase in the number of hearings held for Veterans over the past few years (4,640 in 2023-24, compared to 2,704 in 2020-21).

Throughout the past year, we have continued to uphold our mandate of providing fair and impartial hearings for Veterans and their families. In 2023-24, we heard a total of 4,640 cases. Of those, 3,846 were reviews, 508 were appeals, and 286 were reconsiderations.

As a result of hearings during the 2023-24 fiscal year, 87% of the Veterans who had cases heard received additional benefits for their service-related disabilities.

I invite you to review this Annual Report, which not only highlights our achievements over the past year but also reaffirms our dedication to ensuring every Veteran receives the benefits they are entitled to for service-related injuries.

Christopher McNeil Signature

Christopher McNeil



Client demographics for 2023-24

5,825 Total clients

The following provides further information on the demographics of the clients who applied to the Board in 2023-24.


Client Demographics Chart for 2023-24

Number of applications for 2023-24

6,727 Total applications

In 2023-24, the volume of applications received by the Board increased by 10% from 2022-23.

Review hearings are the first level of redress

Appeal hearings are the second level of redress

Veterans who are not satisfied with an Appeal decision can apply to the Board for a Reconsideration

Number of applications charts for 2023-24

Nature of applications for 2023-24

In general, the Board receives two kinds of applications:

  • those for entitlement to benefits based on the relationship between the disability claim condition and service; and
  • those related to the level of assessment based on the extent or severity of the disability.

Nature of applications chart for 2023-24

Top 5 types of conditions for 2023-24

  1. Tinnitus (12%)
  2. Hearing Loss (10%)
  3. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (10%)
  4. Low Back Conditions (8%)
  5. Knee Conditions (6%)
  6. Other (54%) - Examples include neck conditions, anxiety/depressive disorders, etc.

Top 5 types of conditions graph for 2023-24

Breakdown of VRAB Hearings

Did you know?

The Veterans Review and Appeal Board is an independent organization operating at arm’s length from Veterans Affairs Canada to ensure all applicants have access to a fair review or appeal process.

Applicants may bring forward new information, and present evidence in support of their application for disability benefits. The Board's appeal process is non-adversarial, which means that no one is arguing against the Veteran.

As independent decision-makers, Board Members are not bound by previous decisions. They consider every matter before them with a fresh perspective.

Breakdown of VRAB hearings graph

Review: A Review Hearing is the Board’s first level of redress, an opportunity for Veterans to appear before decision-makers (Board Members) and tell their story.

Appeal: An Appeal Hearing is the Board's second and final level of redress. Their case will be heard by three Board Members who were not involved in their Review Hearing.

Reconsideration: If a client is still dissatisfied with an appeal decision, they can apply to the Board for a reconsideration (a re-opening of their case) if new, credible, and relevant evidence comes to light at a later date, or if an error in fact or law is found in the Appeal decision.

Breakdown of Decisions Issued by VRAB

Breakdown of Decisions Issued by VRAB Graph

Volume of Favorable Decisions

Volume of Favoable Decisions graph


  • To enhance access to disability benefits for Veterans, the Board developed an Early Resolution Process with the Bureau of Pensions Advocates, which helps to resolve simple/single issue claims in an informal, streamlined process. These claims require minimal evidence to support the claim.
  • Over the year staff received training in Plain Language Writing, Medical Terminology, Excel, and staff in leadership and supervisory roles also received training on Influencing Skills and Conflict Management.
  • In December 2023, the Board published our first progress report on our Accessibility Action Plan, which highlights actions taken over the past year to create a barrier-free and inclusive workplace.
  • With the support of the Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada, the Board was successful in obtaining temporary and permanent funding as a result of our Budget 2023 request. This funding will help us increase our capacity to reduce wait times and improve services for Veterans.
  • One of the goals of our new Strategic Plan is to continue to enhance the Veteran-centric approach to our work at the Board. This includes ensuring staff understand our mandate and values.
    • To help staff learn more about those we serve, new staff attend an in-person hearing as part of their onboarding process.
    • To better support all Veterans through care, compassion, and respect we provided information sessions to staff and Members on topics like posttraumatic stress disorder, the LGBT Purge Class Action, and peace-keeping. Members also received additional sessions on Writing for Clarity, Medical Policies, and Wellness and Resilience
  • To promote Health and Wellness, staff received presentations on Self-care and Meditation, Mental Health & Wellness, Suicide Awareness, and Civility in the Workplace.
  • As part of the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign, VRAB staff and Members raised over $9,000 for charities across Canada.
  • To show our appreciation and gratitude to Veterans, the Board attended many commemorative events to honor those who have served.

Indigenous Beading Workshop

As part of the Board’s ongoing commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, we hosted cultural education sessions for staff and Members. This included an Indigenous beading workshop led by Experience Lennox Island, an Acadian Storyteller for National Acadian Day and a commemorative wall during the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

Indigenous beading workshop photo

Veterans Week 2023

VRAB officials participated in events across the country to commemorate our Nation’s Veterans and honour the sacrifices they made and continue to make so that we can live freely.

Veterans Week 2023 photo 1

Veterans Week 2023 photo 2

60th Anniversary of Canadian Peacekeeping Operations in Cyprus

The Chair attended the 60th Anniversary of the Canadian Armed Forces Peacekeeping Operations in Cyprus to honour the Canadians who participated, and continue to participate, in the peacekeeping efforts.

60th Anniversary of Canadian Peacekeeping Operations in Cyprus photo 1

60th Anniversary of Canadian Peacekeeping Operations in Cyprus photo 2

Valentines for Vets

As part of the Valentines for Vets campaign, staff at the Board created 55 hand-made Valentines which were delivered to Veterans living in longterm care facilities across the country.

Valentines for Vets

Stakeholder Meetings and Events

To stay connected to Veterans, the Chair attended many events and meetings with Veteran groups over the past year to hear first-hand about the issues that Veterans and their families face.

Stakeholder Meetings and Events photo 1

Stakeholder Meetings and Events photo 2

25th Anniversary of Operation Persistence, the Swissair Flight 111 Response

In September 2023, our Chair and Lieutenant-Colonel (Retired) Shawn Williamson, employee of VRAB, attended the commemoration events for the 25th Anniversary of Operation Persistence, the Swissair Flight 111 Response. Mr. Williamson was part of the recovery efforts in the aftermath of the crash of flight 111 in the waters around Peggy’s Cove.

25th Anniversary of Operation Persistence, the Swissair Flight 111 Response photo

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

To honour the memory of the 14 victims of the École Polytechnique Montreal murders and to raise awareness about the impact of violence against women, the Board organized a special display that shared the stories of each of the 14 women whose lives were tragically cut short.

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women photo

Contact Information

Toll free for Canada and the United States
1-800-450-8006 (English)
1-877-368-0859 (French)
TDD/TYY: 1-833-998-2060

Mailing Address
Veterans Review and Appeal Board
Post Office Box 9900
Charlottetown PE
C1A 8V7




Contact Information photo