Positive feedback from the Veterans Ombudsman - 2015
The Board has received positive feedback from the Veterans Ombudsman on the actions it has taken to address recommendations from his 2012 report on judicial reviews. The Ombudsman's follow-up report found that the Board has made significant progress in implementing the recommendations related to its work.
I would like to report to you that since the Ombudsman's report, the Board has:
- resumed reporting to Parliament on outcomes at Federal Court as an indicator of fairness;
- implemented a new decision writing checklist to support clear, concise and well-organized reasons;
- worked with the Royal Canadian Legion to establish plain language writing for Board decisions and legal concepts, including benefit of the doubt;
- introduced new criteria for fair hearings and quality decisions for performance reporting;
- continued to review guidance given by the Federal Court with Board members at monthly teleconferences and in training;
- raised awareness of the importance of Federal Court decisions on portfolio operations, with a commitment to meet regularly with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and the Bureau of Pensions Advocates to review and discuss trends;
- published Noteworthy Decisions on its website and on CanLII, a well-known online legal resource, as well as other resources to improve understanding of the legislation and decision making;
- began publishing Board decisions made pursuant to a Federal Court order to rehear; and
- reviewed and implemented a new process for priority treatment and scheduling of cases returned by the Federal Court for a new hearing.
I am very pleased that the Ombudsman has recognized our significant efforts and improvements, which are indicative of the Board's commitment to serving Veterans and their families. The Board will continue to focus on fairness and quality service in the appeal process for those who turn to us for independent redress of their disability decisions made by VAC.
Yours truly,
Thomas Jarmyn, Deputy Chair